Why Boxing?
“Why would anyone want to box?”
“I’m not going to let my child get beat up!”
“You’re just teaching potentially violent kids to be more violent!”
These are just a small sampling of question, comments, and concerns that amateur boxing coaches have had to address over the years. Some of them are silly - others very much to the point. But with each and ever one of them, it is important handle the answers are handled with intelligent responses and a grasp of how serious these questions are to the people who ask them. The mother who wonders if her 10-year-old son might be too young to box ten rounds is genuinely concerned that this may be an issue. Of course, she is confusing amateur boxing with professional boxing, but that doesn’t change the fact that she sees amateur and progessional boxing as the same. Clarification is the ppoint of this publication. We want everyone to know that to begin wiht, amateur and progessional boxing are two totally different sports, but more importantly, we need to educate people on the positive, ocnstructie life skills and habits that boxing teaches. While the sport of amateur boxing is tremendously rewarding from just the “sport” aspect, it is also profoundly influential in the development of the proper abilities and trait necessary to e successful in today’s world.
Experience is also a criteria. Amateur boxing is divided into three age groups in the junior division and two experience A groups in the senior division.
Boxing is also a great cardio-vascular workout. The types of exercises and drills common to a good boxing workout are always very conductive to good cardio conditioning
USA/Boxing also offers scholarships for amateur boxers at many levels. Northern Michigan University is the Olympics Education Center and the home base for America’s Education Center and the home base for America’s National Boxing Team, so there are opportunities for the more advanced boxers to better their education at this fine university.
“Positive Recognition”
One of the most rewarding things about amateur boxing is the fact that participation is individual and so is the recognition. What better way to build an athlete’s confidence and self-motivation than by individual recognition for his or her accomplishment?
The opportunities to receive trophies, jackets or titles are not only great reward’s for performance accomplishments, but they also make tremendous incentives to work harder. There is no better self esteem builder than to see your name in a local paper or see yourself on the evening news? All of these things can help to have a very positive impact on a young athlete.
What’s so good about boxing?
To begin with, boxing is a proven delinquency deterrent. The positive impact that boxing had on “at risk” kids is amazing. Unlike some other sports, boxing had a kind of “tough guy” image that is accepted in even the toughest circles. A kid’s friends might make fun of him or her playing soccer or tennis, but nobody harasses a boxer. Once the athlete is involved, the effect of a structured, organized program is almost immediate. All of the sudden, the youngster has a positive release of energy and frustration The knowledge that the gym is a “safe haven” from the street can also serve as a very comforting thing.
The impact of a properly run boxing program is not limited to any one group. We have a tendency to focus on the “at risk” kids because we want to show how boxing can have a positive effect on a problem area. That’s not to overlook the fact that ALL kids, no mater what their backgrounds are. It’s very rewarding to take a problem kid off the streets and help to turn him or her around, but that doesn’t mean that it is not just as important to provide a positive influence on all the other kids, too!
What sort of “Positive Influences”?
Lets go over some of the things that go into building character. By starting with, confidence. One of the primary benefits of being involved in a properly run boxing program is gaining confidence. By developing their skills in the ring and learning how to train properly to be in the right shape, athletes become very confident in themselves. This is the sort of trait that everyone wants to see your young people develop.
Along with confidence comes sportsmanship. If the gym is run correctly, then learning to be a good sport is a foregone conclusion. Boxing learn not only how to be good losers, but even more importantly, good winners. In the average gym, less than 1% of the athletes will become professional boxers, but all of them will become contributing members of society. In a properly run gym, boxers will learn the skills that will make them better people. The sense of self-worth that comes with achieving the different skill levels of this sport is immeasurable
Another big advantage is the fact that through the process of discipline and goal-setting learned in a good program, a youngster learns to be self-motivated and much more aware of the fact that doing the right things make good things happen.
Another big positive to be grained from Amateur boxing is its influence on controlling Anger and Aggression. Boxing by design is a proven deterrent to anger and aggression problems. Athletes in a properly run boxing program lean that losing their temper or being overly aggressive is extremely counter-productive. An athlete soon learns that self-control is as important as being in good shape. We all know how important it is to have an effective way to control and positively direct aggression in today’s youth.
Individual vs. Team Competition
Many kids today don’t identify well with the “Team Concept” that is so important in sports like football, baseball, soccer, or basketball. Boxing is definitely a great sport for this athlete. It gives the individual the opportunity to excel on his or her own. A chance to rely on his or her own merits and to be rewarded individually for those accomplishments.
What might not be so evident is the fact that while boxing is definitely a “One to One” competition, It also tends to develop a certain sense of camaraderie among other athletes in the gym that could easily be described as “Team Pride”. Now, maybe this isn’t an actual team sport situation, but it certainly does develop some real “Team Spirit”. Amateur boxing encourages teamwork in a sense that you are surrounded by coaches and team mates that support and encourage you even though you are in the ring alone.
Even the athlete that is a team sport participant might find the environment of amateur boxing a great change of pace. It is even an excellent way for the team athlete to maintain his or her level of conditioning during the off season.
Are there any other advantages I might not know about?
Amateur boxing promotes physical fitness. The level of fitness that a competitive boxer must maintain is higher than virtually any other sport. Sports like football, baseball and soccer usually get their athletes into a fairly fit condition and then maintain this level through the season. Boxers must train to a peak for virtually every contest. The intensity of a boxing workout is head and shoulders above the usual “Team Sport: workout.
Another big advantage is the size and experience factor. Amateur boxing is divided into weight classes, so you don’t have to weight discrepancies that you run into in sports like football.
It all sounds great, but it must be expensive
We all know how expensive football and baseball and even soccer have gotten. It’s a wonder that many families can afford to let their kids be involved in any sport at all.
Well, here’s ANOTHER reason boxing may be the answer for your young athlete.
First of all, the yearly registration fee to USA/Boxing is only about $80.
Protective Gear and proper apparel is required.
Both are available for purchase on site.
All this PLUS a change to see the world!
One of the best assets of being involved in amateur boxing is that gives kids a chance to see the country and even the world if they become successful at this sport. When the local high school football team makes the state playoffs, they might get to go a hundred miles or so from home. Amateur boxing has national tournaments all over the country. And if you are fortunate enough to become nationally competitive, then you could go anywhere in the world!
As you can see, there are a vast number of answers to “Why Boxing”. We have tried to give you the best overall reasons, but believe me, we haven’t given you all of them. If you want to get a better perspective on why this sport is so great, just ask the athletes who are currently participating. Their desire and dedication to the sport, their obvious love for boxing in general and their team in particular will surprise you!
Presented by Ringside Inc.